ARMS - Ansonia Rescue Medical Services
Thank you for your support!
Ansonia Rescue Medical Services (ARMS) would like to thank the community for its support during the recent boot drive/fund raiser to purchase power stretchers. This power stretcher has the capability of lifting over 700 lb without injuring the personnel. It is battery operated! As with modern technology the price is not cheap. One power stretcher costs approximately $11,000. That may sound like a lot of money but when compared to the cost of one back injury, this is pocket change.
ARMS also thanks the generosity of the Ansonia Rod and Gun Club and the Katharine Matthies Foundation for making this goal a reality.
Thank you for your continued support as EMS evolves in Ansonia!

Patient Bill or Trip Report (run form) requests, please visit the Quick Med Claims Patient Access Portal at This portal will allow you to add insurance and pay your bill online.
For further assistance, you may call Quick Med Claims directly at 866-427-9988 or send fax requests to 203-516-5517.
Please note: Patient billing information and trip reports are not available from ARMS directly, all requests must go through Quick Med Claims.
To provide quality emergency medical care and rescue service to those who live, work or visit the City of Ansonia and surrounding communities in time of illness, injury, crisis or disaster. Highly trained members render services in a professional manner utilizing state-of-the-art equipment. Members actively participate in the community, serve as role models and strive to provide services deemed excellent by the citizens of Ansonia.
For more information on Ansonia Rescue Medical Services or the Ansonia Rescue Medical Services Jr. Corps contact (203) 735-3668 or by mail at: P.O. Box 149, Ansonia, CT 06401.
