5/6/2014 - TONIGHT at 7:00 p.m. - Learn about Ansonia's NEW Anti-Blight Laws on May 6th 2014
All residents are invited to attend an Anti-Blight Seminar this Tuesday, May 6, 7pm in the Aldermanic Chambers of City Hall. The purpose of the Seminar is to explain the details of Ansonia's new Anti-Blight ordinance to the residents. The new law makes substantial changes to how the City will handle blight violations. The changes include the implementation of a "clean and lien" program that gives Ansonia the ability to send an independent contractor to remediate a blighted property and lien the property owner for the clean up cost. Additionally, the new Anti-Blight program features higher fines (a maximum of $250 per day) and shorter corrective action periods (the amount of time a violator has to remediate their property to avoid a fine). The new ordinance also contains an expanded definition of what constitutes blight. The changes in the law have been made in an effort to clean up the image of Ansonia and to encourage Ansonia residents to maintain their properties in a safe and responsible manner. The new program will begin implementation this month. The Seminar is an opportunity for residents to learn about the changes and have their questions and concerns addressed.
Anti-Blight Ordinance